Everytime I look at small problems or big global problems, if you follow the money trail, it all leads to some billionaire who is either working towards increasing their wealth or protecting their wealth from decreasing.

Everything from politics, climate change, workers rights, democratic government, technology, land rights, human rights can all be rendered down to people fighting another group of people who defend the rights of a billionaire to keep their wealth or to expand their control.

If humanity got rid of or outlawed the notion of any one individual owning far too much money than they could ever possibly spend in a lifetime, we could free up so much wealth and energy to do other things like save ourselves from climate change.

  • Ultragigagigantic@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Getting rid of all the billionaires didnt create more doctors though

    Wrong, more people can afford to go to college. The extra tax base also allows for the creation of new schools.

    I agree we should switch away from currency. Look at the stuff people do for fake internet points. We don’t need money to create.

    We certainly have the tech and the numbers to ensure the starving artist meme is finally laid to rest. Imagine what creations or inventions we are missing out on because it’s not profitable right now.

    • blazera@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      more people can afford college, and we can afford to build more schools. But that doesnt mean we have the resources to. You don’t throw money on the ground and a school pops out. You pay contractors to build it. Contractors are already pretty busy folks, doing very hard work that’s difficult to attract a large workforce. And it takes a lot of time to build large projects. Construction is a huge bottleneck. We can get around this a bit with online education instead, but that’s still not limitless, especially if you’re teaching such a complex and demanding career as medicine. you need people who are already experts to train doctors, there’s only so many and they can only teach so many.