I’ve been trying to come up with cyberpunk recommendations for this community to help keep it active. But my assumption is that anyone subscribed here already has basic knowledge of the cyberpunk genre. That is, I don’t think we need any “what is cyberpunk?” posts.

But I spend (way too much) time wondering what cyberpunk works I can just assume everyone here already knows about. For example, there are quite a few cyberpunk works that are well-known enough outside of cyberpunk circles that I don’t think I need to recommend them. Those would include:

But then there are what I would consider the “second-tier” cyberpunk works that might not have reached pop-culture status but are still classics to those with knowledge of cyberpunk. Those would include:

I also want to make sure my recommendations are truly cyberpunk and not just cyberpunk-adjacent. For example, as good as they may be, I don’t personally consider Upgrade or Ex Machina to be cyberpunk. And that brings me back to if something is truly cyberpunk then it probably falls into that second-tier list that maybe everyone already knows about. It’s hard to draw the line between “this is unknown” and “this is a cult classic for those in the know”.

Anyway, I’m going to continue over-thinking this and doing my best to come up with interesting yet not-widely-known cyberpunk works. I just wanted this post to run through all the cyberpunk works I won’t be recommending because I assume you’re already aware of them (even if you haven’t watched/read them).

  • identity-disc@lemmy.villa-straylight.socialOP
    1 year ago

    I totally agree with you. Cyberpunk as a genre has a very vague definition so it’s hard to definitively say “this is cyberpunk”. But the closer I can get to that ideal, the more people in /c/cyberpunk will probably be interested if they hadn’t heard of it before.

    I’m not a cyberpunk purist but I am trying to find that common ground where most people here would agree is cyberpunk and therefore might be a good recommendation. It’s an odd distinction, but I guess that’s why I keep spending time thinking about it.