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To the person from who reported this post as “terrorism” go fuck yourself.
Link for tickets:
Locked because I keep getting reports from people arguing. Cool off.
What the fuck does he have to talk about? He’s just an idiot with a gun.
It’s Kent State which is world famous for idiots with guns.
Can’t Read, Can’t Write, Kent State
Goes great with the giant shit i just took in my pants
He has a story about getting away with murder. Sociopaths gonna sociopath
Big “Eh” there. Rittenhouse is no Zimmerman, but the media attention has pretty much ended any chance of a “normal” life for him. He’ll probably make a run for public office in a few years.
He murdered two people, flashed his Republican card, and walked. I’m not saying I admire it, I loathe it/him. I’m just saying a lot of these psychos would love to do what he did and they think he’s a hero, as pathetic as that is.
Murder is the wrong word here. Maybe manslaughter at worst. He’s was a teenager that put himself in the wrong place sure, but after being chased by armed assailants, tripping and falling, yelling for them to back up while one person pointed a fucking gun at him while he was laying on the ground, and then firing after they continued to advance on him… Definitely not murder at that point. Not to mention he then immediately went to the police to turn himself in. He tried to de-escalate, he tried to escape, and he immediately turned himself in to law enforcement after the shooting. Other than electing to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time, he did everything that any reasonable person would do in that situation to defend themselves.
I’m not saying he’s a hero, I’m not saying he was right to be there “defending” property that no one asked him to defend. I’m not saying he did the right thing by showing up to a protest armed with a lethal weapon. I think he a fucking dumbass military cosplayer with a main-character personality complex and a wisdom dump stat, but I don’t think he’s a murderer.
I think it’s murder when you take a gun to a place specifically to oppose a group you hate, then you kill multiple of those said people that you knew before leaving home that you hated.
But I’m just weird like that
I guess Ukrainians are murdering Russians right now?
Seems about right, but your definition is very broad, and definitely would not hold up in a court of law.
I never said I was a lawyer. Bye bad-faither.
How delusional do you need to be to make this correlation? Did Ukraine drive across country lines to participate in another countries conflict?
Yes, it’s justified so it’s self defense.
You should really think about things before you speak.
Ukrainians HAVE been murdering Russians since 2014, tho…
He traveled across state lines with a rifle with intention to shoot someone
the media attention has pretty much ended any chance of a “normal” life for him.
Big “eh” there, he willingly stepped into the limelight after he walked, so I can’t blame the media for that one. I would say that at least Zimmerman had the good sense to shit up and fade away, but apparently he’s just super bad on the whole “right wing media” grift and has just floundered in his attempts to turn his vigilante murdering into a meal ticket like Rittenhouse has.
Zimmerman tried to auction off the gun he used to kill Trayvon Martin. When it didn’t get enough money, he took down the auction and then re-ran it to get more after the media attention. Zimmerman didn’t fade away, the GOP stopped throwing attention to him because chasing down an unarmed kid, shooting them, and then claiming you were standing your ground, definitely is murder, and it (should) be indefensible, but you know, “Florida”.
Maybe but for now the caption of that flyer sounds more like a Fox show. Did they ever replace Tivket the twat with anybody?
How to larp with live ammo for fun and profit.
He’s now the golden child.
The irony of this happening at Kent State.
It’s not ironic it’s intentional.
After 9/11, this country took a hard turn into fascism and boot licking. I was complaining about the new McCarthyism, the demented expansion of the police state, and the march to the right when my aunt interrupted me to say “not everyone thinks McCarthy was the bad guy there.” She said it was such smug indignation I was genuinely shocked there were people that were fans of McCarthy.
When I said that that kind of un-American behavior leads to stuff like Kent State, she said, “If you can’t be loyal to the troops you get what you deserve.” That’s when I realized that we as a nation were absolutely fucked.
After 9/11…
Fascism and bootlicking were in vogue among conservatives since Nixon.
That’s for sure and I think you can make a pretty reasonable case that they only got worse. They managed to convince most Americans that somehow were becoming more liberal despite the fact that we’re in reality we are getting more fascist every fucking year.
We’ve moved so far to the right as a country that Joe Biden is more of a right-wing Republican than Reagan was. It just so happens that the alternative to Joe Biden is Donald Trump who is somewhere to the right of Hitler, And if Donald Trump were literate we would be in even worse shape right now.
Maybe, but there was definitely a dramatic uptick in highschool and college aged groups that wasn’t as pronounced before. I watched friends who had laughed at recruiters only a year before practically run to recruiting offices. I still know people who fully believe Sadam and Iran worked together to hide WMD.
Funny thinking back to it, those conspiracies were at least plausible.
I’m not sure your aunt is the nation
This nation then reelected George w Bush while it brutally cracked down on protests and got super extra racist real fast and just in time to go murder 170,000 people in two countries that didn’t attack us.
It’s kind of hard to believe that she’s not sort of typical of American fascism. Our actions as a nation make it hard to believe that American fascism isn’t somehow incredibly widely tolerated and promoted.
Then we had Donald Trump, and the entire court system seems to be utterly incapable of dealing with this level of corruption or criminality but the right wing and the neoliberal apologists who own most of the revenue driven media seem to think this is somehow okay.
Well I’m sure she is. What now?
She’s enough of it to be a real problem.
I’ll grant that most aren’t aware enough to make comments on McCarthy specifically, but they would if they could.
Way too much of the country is running those things blue line flags and licking boots as hard as they can while thinking they’re doing the opposite.
At last, has your aunt no shame?
signed up to attend as a student with the name of one of the Kent State Massacre victims.
I mean… it’s probably pointless to point out how tone deaf it is to have a panicked shooter speak at Kent State of all fucking places.
Sensible people’s disgust is the point, correct?
I saw that. Then i googled it just to make sure i didn’t misremember. Wtf.
Wondering if he’ll work the shooting into his little speech. Will he defend the guardsmen or push an agenda that the students should have brought their own guns.
Im pro 2a and I think this fucker is scum.
All of those “armed citizens” fantasize about killing and are just itching to shoot someone. I’ve seen the videos and I agree with the verdict. It was very much self defense, however, he shouldn’t have been there to antagonise an angry protest.
I don’t think shooting a guy in the back because he’s falling down counts as self defense. I also don’t think continuing your killing spree counts when the other people are rightly concerned there’s a murderer running around.
Yeah I’m not justifying him and his actions. Whether it was self defense or not he’s proud of himself for ending lives. Guy deserves much worse than he got.
lol @ reporting a post by the admin to the admin.
Reports go to the instance owner where they come from. I’ve used that a few times when someone is blatantly mod abusing. It’s basically the closest thing to accountability you can get on the federation, short of making a drama post. (And the world needs less of those)
Yeah, in this case seahorse owns the instance and the post.
The report also goes the the instance admins of the user’s instance as well, which was probably the intended recipient.
Imagine being such a loser
They’re bringing a guy famous for shooting people at a left wing protest to fucking Kent State‽
The irony of this being at Kent State is too much.
Came here to say the same thing. Tone-deaf.
Ehh, irony went out the window there when Kaitlin “gun fetishist pants-shitter” What’s-‘er-name went around screaming for attention
I think they do this because they know KSU’s history
Step 1) Show up armed (open carry)
Step 2) Wait for Rittenhouse to show up
Step 3) Defend yourself
Someone reported this comment for threatening murder lol.
That’s fucking awesome. I hope they have a great week.
Lmao, got my free ticket. Kyle is not the 2A spokesmen any sane human wants.
You gave up your phone number? I tried but you need to confirm via text and I don’t want those Fuchs giving my number or to all their buddies…
I just used one of my email addresses.
One of my friends suggested this the other day: Print out posters of him crying in court, and put them in the seats of all the tickets you reserve.
A solid suggestion if you ask me.
America, where murderers become celebrities
the right try not to put every murderer they happen to agree with on a pedastal challenge
Got mine
Got mine