No update on my side, still reading same book as last week:

  • The Better Part of Valour by Tanya Huff. Book 2 of Confederation series. I made some progress though and am near the finish.

What about all of you? Which books have you been reading or listening lately?

    1 year ago

    Currently reading:

    • Slewfoot by Brom. It is my first witch-kind book and so far it’s really good, intriguing, good story-telling and the words just feels like flowing.

    • The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine by illan Pappé. I’m not very far into this book but its devastating and heartbreaking to read, so I only pick it up when I’m in the right mindset for it.


    • Harry Potter. I quit reading halfway book 3, somehow just don’t enjoy it anymore, Perhaps a bit of fatigue?

    • Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine. Put this on-hold only because I have it physical and haven’t really found the time to pick it up.

    Reading digitally (phone & laptop) seems to be a bit more easier for me. Reading in the bus or 15-30 minutes at internship/ university through laptop or phone is much easier than carrying a book and picking it up.