• manuel19@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I mean it makes sense, although I feel it’s actually not that hard if you stick to it. Eventually the game will click, for me sometime in the second biome and then it’s just amazing. The art design, the audio, the story… it’s all just so well crafted and anyone who appreciates art, even a little bit, will fall in love with it I think.

    Regarding horizon, to me personally that was a good change. In the first game I was hyped about the many ways to kill a machine, that were announced before launch. I was almost at the end of the game I realized that I was basically only using the bow, if it wasn’t a Sidequest that required a different weapon. It slayed everything in its way.

    In the forbidden West, I actually had to get to know the machines and their weakpoints. Use elemental effects, tear specific parts off to remove attacks. The gameplay finally got diverse to me. I’ve also heard this complaint from friends, that the enemies are quite the sponges but really as soon as you hit them with the right effects, they’re going down much better. Also the spikethrower. Those drilling spikes were just incredible, I loved throwing every one I threw (which where a lot lol)

    And thanks for the tip regarding AW! I think I would’ve missed that haha