It was a cheesy Hannukah romance book but the main character in the book “The Matzah Ball” made so mad at times that I just know I was annoyed at her but to this day I have no idea why exactly. Her vibes were just yucky I guess

    510 months ago

    Super unpopular opinion but the Protagonist from Name of the Wind series. Really love the setting and the lore, hate the Wunderkind who seemingly has no flaws, is amazing at everything, loves his destined Princess Peach but bangs everything from Mongolian steppe women to Zelda Fairy Fountain lady, incredible swordfighter/musician/singer/artificier/charming/roguish Hogwarts student…its all way too much. Like by a lot. And the books just stop and have no real endings, its like he hit his assigned page count and was like done! Publish it!

    310 months ago

    Shallan in stormlight archives.

    It’s just too much, all the time. So many stupid decisions that create collasal problems for the entire world for no reason. She keeps almost getting better, then getting worse.

    Also she’s supposed to be super witty but most of the jokes and quips are really… not.

    Also Q from star trek. Not a book, but I just really get so annoyed by him I can’t enjoy any of his episodes

    • @Icwillwrite
      210 months ago

      Shallan is one of the worst characters I’ve encountered in fiction. I just don’t think Sanderson has the chops to make that type of character work, because “Wit” is an eyeroll-factory, too.

    • @Eq0
      110 months ago

      She is such a teenager! I find it hilarious, but I understand it can be a bit grating

  • @Eq0
    210 months ago

    The protagonist of Catcher in the Rye is so self-absorbed, I did not like him at all. On the other hand, that’s part of the message of the book.

    I also really dislike Snape in Harry Potter, and his background did not help on liking him better. ::spoiler spoiler If a girl is not interested, get over it! Don’t linger on it for the following two to three decades! That’s creepy ::

    • gabe [he/him]OPMA
      210 months ago

      I have a love hate with the catcher in the rye mainly because like you said, thats part of the message of the book. On one hand I love that is so perfectly captures teen angst. On the other hand, being an adult and after working with teenagers like him I just see the kids I’ve worked with and the frustration and sadness I’ve had before with them lmao

  • aen [he/him]
    210 months ago

    The main character in The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang had a really grating personality but I still kinda enjoyed the book. However, she was so frustrating at the start of the sequel that I had to DNF it 😔

  • Bebo
    29 months ago

    Gawyn from Wheel of Time. The only character I can think of that made me get violent thoughts while reading his sections.