Currently I have a Free Talk Friday thread in mind and longer term would like to do Mental Health Mondays. I think Mental Health Monday should probably wait until I can put together some more resources and better guidelines for posting on mental health related topics (particularly content warnings), so don’t expect to see that in the immediate future. Other than those what else would you guys like to see?

    1 year ago

    You are right I should totally read it. I recently listened/read “This is how you lose the time wars” and also greatly enjoyed it. I think in the past I consumed short stories way more often and always greatly enjoyed the experience.

    Oh I am so happy you also liked the video! Yeah it felt like such a good takedown of it. I remember when I started being interested in relationship advice and I always felt that r/relationship(advice) was always hella toxic :D I really liked the polyamourous folk on reddit though. They were usually heavily centred on trying to communicate and accomodate the needs of our partner. Which - I’m still monogamous - felt like how I want to engage with my relationships. There have been some distinct moments for me where I was assuming how my partner wanted stuff or what I should want and it’s usually been a pretty stupid experience to realise it’s just not what I/they wanted. AND I think relationships change so much over time. Like we just become different people/versions of ourselves and it is constant work to stay aligned and in sync with your partner. Sure there are moments where it just works and you can read their mind but I think it’s healthy to acknowledge that that’s not always the case :X

    Honestly - I only saw Everything Everywhere all at once last year and totally loved it, otherwise I was more focused on series I would say. I really liked Severance and Silo, but I’m a huuuuuuuuuge sucker for SciFi especially when the social commentary is really being explored.

    Besides that I’ve been mostly just randomly watchng youtube videos and played some games. I’m starting my last master’s year in 2 weeks so I’ve been looking forward and dreading it at the same time xD I feel like I’ve been studying for sooo many years now (part-time mostly) that I shouldn’t feel such tumultous emotions, but yeah my body disagrees xD

    What are you doing on your end that you don’t end up super bored? :)

      1 year ago

      I like your take on relationships. It is definitely work to maintain a relationship. God damn. And sometimes trivial stuff to you is super important to them, and no one knows why—okay, I’m just complaining. But I definitely agree. I also found the BDSM community (though I’m very vanilla) very focused on communication. That’s funny, though, right? These “deviant” communities model better approaches to communication than mainstream models.

      I’m a huuuuuuuuuge sucker for SciFi especially when the social commentary is really being explored

      Oh, hey, more that we have in common lol. I love sci-fi.

      I’m starting my last master’s year in 2 weeks so I’ve been looking forward and dreading it at the same time

      This must be a joke. I’m currently in my last master’s year. I’m doing an MBA. Never really wanted one but my job is paying for it so…why not? PLus, I enjoy studying. When I was younger, I failed out of college, and somehow convinced myself that studying is kinda fun. That way, when I went back, I’d kill it. And I did.

      What’s your master’s for? In any case, if you’ve got this far, you’ve probably overcome most of the really, really hard parts, right?

      What are you doing on your end that you don’t end up super bored?

      I don’t even know now. I can say that I spend a lot of time playing Dota 2 (god I hate that game…I’m gonna play a match in half an hour lol). I also have this weird obsession with trying to breakdown right-wing arguments entirely for my own benefit. Otherwise, it feels like time passes by so quickly that I don’t do much of anything before something else is due. You know?