Yes. We have all agreed to exchange tokens (which have little to no inherent value) for goods and services, in lieu of trading other goods and services directly.
All other mechanics surrounding money are up for debate, but for any society more advanced than the hunter-gatherer stage, some form of “money” is required to facilitate trade.
Yes. We have all agreed to exchange tokens (which have little to no inherent value) for goods and services, in lieu of trading other goods and services directly.
All other mechanics surrounding money are up for debate, but for any society more advanced than the hunter-gatherer stage, some form of “money” is required to facilitate trade.
Why? Library economies are moneyless, and highly adaptive to technological progression and climate change.
How does a library handle consumables?
it would look more like a food bank than a library tbh, but the concept remains the same. This video is a much better primer on the topic in general
What are consumables in a library economy?
Who makes the consumables in a library economy? Why on earth would I farm for love of the game?