Looking for good games for Android. By good, I mean a game with a story, no ads or in-app purchases. I’m okay with paying for it, but I’m looking for a good experience. The game should be story-based, as in it has an ending, not an infinite game. Any recommendations?
Polytopia. It isn’t a story driven game, but each game has an ending. There are no ads. The game is free. You can choose to unlock a few different species for $1 each if you want to, but it’s not required for gameplay and those species remained locked until you unlock them (meaning you’re not at a disadvantage by not having them). It’s an amazing game if you enjoy turn based strategy games like Civilization.
Final fantasy tactics war of the lions, the dragon quest games, really anything square Enix.
I found the controls a little awkward for the dragon quests, but I enjoyed them nonetheless. Fantastic rpgs.
Knights of The Old Republic 2 is an absolutely top tier old school RPG. Not sure if the port is good, but it exists.
Stardew Valley
If you have Netflix, the people who made Alto’s Adventure made a gliding game called Laya’s Horizon: https://layashorizon.com/ that’s free with a Netflix account.
Data Wing has a wonderful, well tought-out story.