• Nima
      276 months ago

      Indeed. As I understand it, Raphael is cool, but rude. But I hear Michaelangelo is a party dude.

      I cannot confirm these speculations with certainty, however.

      • @Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I have it on good authority that Leonardo leads. Allegedly, Donatello does machines but that trial is still ongoing…

        • Nima
          166 months ago

          Is there any indication or data pertaining to what will happen when the evil Shredder attacks?

          My research is also ongoing.

    • I think the response is an edit, in the original Raph stays quiet.

      A, kinda ironically for this post, this whole scene happens because Raphael is against Turtles teaming up with Batman because he thinks Batman is a rich guy who fights crime as a hobby and doesn’t take it seriously and Batman JUST COULDN’T THINK OF A BETTER WAY TO CHANGE HIS MIND!

  • @Flushmaster@ttrpg.network
    246 months ago

    Assuming Batman is another PC, it could be that player overestimating. And also being as uncreative af because Batman’s backstory is a standard part of the Junior Edgelord Unhappy Meal character design package.

  • megane-kun
    46 months ago

    Not sure if it’s at all relevant here, but this reminded me of a character for a one-shot (more like a side-story to a long-running campaign) that I made. He had a pretty serious and “edgy” backstory: his parents died when he was very young and was taken in by his grandfather. After the grandfather died, he was passed off along several relatives until he found himself in an orphanage, where he eventually became too old for it, and went on to be an adventurer.

    However, the character was modeled on Pico of Boku no Pico (and its other sequels). I gave him polearm mastery (because, long and pointy things), and I wanted him to carry a “pike” but for more practical reasons, I just gave him a halberd. Continuing on with the extended joke of a character, I have him have a height of over 6 feet, and a bulky, well-built body (out of a lifetime of manual labor, ofc). And to top it all off, I played him as a sweet innocent boy, liking ice cream and being huggy and an overall bundle of joy to be around.

    Not everyone in the table got the joke, but the look of the faces of those who knew, priceless! It did play quite decently though, which is a huge bonus.

    • @DragonTypeWyvern
      16 months ago

      Boku no Pico is a shotacon hentai, the pike is his penis, for the people blindly upvoting your extreme cringe and open pedophilia references.

      • megane-kun
        16 months ago

        Well, what can I say? I’m as cringe as you say I am. Tell me more about myself.

        The joke was that for those who knew about it, it’s downright disgusting, as you’ve very graciously pointed out. Also, the pike is an attempt at a pun. I actually didn’t think of it being phallic until you pointed it out, so, thanks!

        • @DragonTypeWyvern
          6 months ago

          “HAHA I watch pedo porn, look at this pedo porn reference I made, I’m funny!”

          Good one bro. Definitely not cringe.