• Ninmi
    486 months ago

    I remember watching V for Vendetta when Obama was president and I actually can’t believe the US went from the Obama era to being on the brink of becoming a christofascist nation.

    • PP_GIRL_
      -126 months ago

      For as long as Democrats continue to run lukewarm candidates and Republicans populists with actual support, this will continue to be the case.

      Do you blame the scorpion or the toad for trusting it? It is entirely the Democrats fault that things are as bad as they are.

      • @Darorad@lemmy.world
        266 months ago

        Do you blame the scorpion or the toad for trusting it?

        Victim blaming is bad, blame the scorpion.

      • @rdyoung@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Don’t forget the republicans gerry mandering districts to keep local and federal control.

        I’d also argue about the republicans having actual support. It’s been decades since a republican won the popular vote. They win because of the aforementioned gerry mandering to give them enough of the electoral votes to win. Plus the shit they are pulling locally with their majority where they are passing laws that let them ignore the will of the people even if 90% of people are for something.

        Yes, the dems need to get their shit together but we as a country need to be do and be better. We need to do more of the district lines being drawn by an outside group instead of local interests. We need to get rid of the electoral college and much much more.

      • @Lauchs@lemmy.world
        96 months ago

        Until young voters vote in primaries at rates approaching the elderly rates, the Deomcratic party will not be able to run progressive candidates.

        Every progressive Democrat candidate who banked on youth turnout has turned out to have misplaced their faith in our ability to translate internet snark to action.

        • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
          -16 months ago

          Until young voters vote in primaries at rates approaching the elderly rates, the Deomcratic party will not be able to run progressive candidates.

          When all the boomers have died, Democrats will have to come up with a new excuse for opposing progressives.

          • @Lauchs@lemmy.world
            26 months ago

            What was progressive now will be seen as obvious. Just the same way as things that are happening now would have been considered progressive for the previous generation.

        • @chuckleslord@lemmy.world
          -26 months ago

          Democrats don’t run progressives because progressives are bad for fundraising. The powers that be (the wealth elite) like to be able to rob our coffers at their leisure, so they won’t give money to candidates that might turn off (or even slow down) the tap of our resources.

          • @Lauchs@lemmy.world
            16 months ago

            Bernie would have won if the youth had come out to vote at a rate comparable to the elderly.

            It’s easier to blame the elite than to act but it’s not a huge conspiracy it’s simply down to who shows up to the goddamn primaries.

      • @MindSkipperBro12@lemmy.world
        56 months ago

        Any attempt by the Democrats to do anything tends to be blocked by the Republicans. Anything more serious starts threatening their party support.

        • @lennybird@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          The problem is the following loop:

          • With lies, grifting, and general ignorance easier to spread than the complexity of truth, Republicans always hold an inherent advantage by appealing to the lowest common denominator.

          • Democrats make a mistake of trying to appeal to these special “centrists” and conservatives as if resurrecting Reagan himself under the D label would ever pull them over.

          • Because of watering down their policy (and thus effficacy) they ostracize their own grassroots base that does the groundwork in phonebanking, protesting, canvassing, and perhaps most importantly – pushing back against nutjobs on social media and pushing back against their parents, aunts, uncles at Thanksgiving dinner.

          And Democrats wonder why Democrat voter enthusiasm is always so low.

          If Democrats for once campaigned on a platform they believed in; if they actually wholeheartedly backed a candidate who had a science-based, equality-based platform from a position of sincerity – that would be contagious.

          Republicans win by fear and hatred; Democrats can’t win by that. It needs to be surrounded by love, vision, and solidarity.

        • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
          06 months ago

          Any attempt by the Democrats to do anything tends to be blocked by the Republicans.

          If it makes it that far. BBB never came up for a vote. The public option was killed without a single Republican vote.

      • @agitatedpotato@lemmy.world
        46 months ago

        The Democrats spent years giving prolonged benefit of the doubt to the Republicans who used that space to instal their own government via judges. They saw it happening but I’d bet you a million bucks their donors told them not to worry, because guess what, fascism is GREAT for buisness if you’re the one who already has the business.

  • @Lauchs@lemmy.world
    206 months ago

    I’m sure they’ve focus tested this and yes it is the most important issue, I think they have too much faith in the American voter.

    I can easily see Independents or frustrated Democrats thinking “we were warned ad nauseum about a fascist takeover by trump last time and it didn’t happen and inflation is killing me…”

    I think trump’s threats to democracy is the most serious issue but I can’t see this winning many new voters. Maybe the hope is to increase turnout on our side…

    • @DragonTypeWyvern
      06 months ago

      They don’t have anything else, because the other platforms are related (don’t genocide minorities) or anti-disaster-capitalist.

      Actual liberal policies could fix some of the problems neoliberalism has created by going back to certain New Deal era policies and regulations but that simply will not happen in post Citizens United world.

      • @Lauchs@lemmy.world
        16 months ago

        Donald subverting democracy would be a much more immediate threat and make climate change almost impossible to deal with. One has to be avoided to deal with the other and is thus the higher priority.

        • @Nudding@lemmy.world
          06 months ago

          No matter who wins, the US will pump and burn more oil than the year before. It’s far too late for lesser of two evils politics, my friend.

          • @Lauchs@lemmy.world
            16 months ago

            the US will pump and burn more oil than the year before.

            Possibly. But, the US will also be on a course to lower emissions in the long term.

            The Inflation Reduction Act was the most significant piece of climate change legislation in American history. If that goes uninterrupted, so many new battery, solar and other green projects will continue. It’s imperfect but we have a chance (not a guarantee) with the Democrats and none with trump.

            And frankly, in North America, most of climate change for the foreseeable future is more inconvenience than it is “societal collapse.”

  • AutoTL;DRB
    36 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Joe Biden’s first campaign ad of the year focuses on threats to US democracy, timed for release on the anniversary of the 6 January insurrection at the US Capitol.

    As footage of political violence and rioting shows on screen, the president notes that “there’s an extremist movement that does not share the basic beliefs in our democracy”.

    Donald Trump is the overwhelming favorite to win the Republican nomination for November’s presidential election, despite his multitude of legal woes, which include charges linked to the Jan 6 attack.

    The former president has also struck a notably more extremist tone during his campaign, raising fears he aims to deliberately erode US democratic institutions.

    The Biden attack ad will run nationally and in local markets in swing states such as Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, as well as online.

    The spot highlights how Trump and his followers are continually working to undermine elections, the Biden-Harris campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, said in a news release.“Over the last three years, Maga Republicans haven’t shied away from the Big Lie – they’ve doubled down.

    The original article contains 338 words, the summary contains 183 words. Saved 46%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!