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  • Name: {{The name of the promoted material}}
  • Type: {{Book, Comic, Kickstarter, Movie, YouTube essay, etc.}}
  • Author: {{The name of the person who created the material}}
  • Description: {{A description of the material, telling us what it is and what it is about}}

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  • lclombard10@sffa.community
    10 months ago

    Name: The Calling Type: Novel Author: Liam Lombard Description: In a decaying world where fantastical creatures struggle to survive, Dromdil is torn away from his community as he awakens strange magics. He is thrust headfirst into a terrifying adventure, joined only by a mysterious creature who dwells within his shadow. Across the continent, a hotheaded blood mage named Jormander chafes against his vampire master’s tight reins, desperate to become powerful enough to escape his past. As he struggles through impossible tasks, a young courier helps him rekindle the flames of his humanity. As the two fight for control of their lives, their separate paths begin to merge through an ominous twist of fate. Their preordained meeting has already been set. The decisions they make will determine the fate of the world. https://a.co/d/ieLoc2T