Russian President Vladimir Putin’s military on Friday launched what’s been called the largest aerial attack of the Ukraine war, and one economic-focused Ukrainian outlet estimated the cost of the assault for Russia to be at least $1.273 billion.

The figure was calculated by Ekonomichna Pravda (Economic Truth), which tallied the prices of the drones and missiles the Ukrainian Air Force reported Russia used during the massive assault.

The Associated Press (AP), citing Ukrainian officials, said at least 30 civilians were killed in the strikes that took place across the country—including on the capital Kyiv—and at least 144 people were wounded. The AP reported Russia used 122 missiles and dozens of drones in what was a bombardment that lasted around 18 hours. Officials said a maternity hospital, schools and residential apartments were among the structures damaged.

    10 months ago

    Still even when there was a clear majority for aid, the aid was held back on important tactical equipment.
    But unfortunately the Republicans are traitors who support the obvious traitor Trump and his policies of supporting Russia, despite it’s so very clearly against American interests.
    So called “moderate” republicans like Mitt Romney, still support the policies that prevent aid to Ukraine, and thereby help Russia. So basically all republicans are traitors against USA and very much traitors against democracy in general. Which has always been a key value for USA since their independence.
    It’s vary hard seeing that here from Europe, that USA support for democracy is declining like it is.