I know the Mariah Carey song is hated because its overused, but its also objectively a well produced piece of pop music.
My favorite though is O Holy Night. Performed well I want to stop and listen to it. It moves me, and I dont give enough of a fuck about religion to call myself an athiest.
The one I hate more than any other is Hallelujah. Its not a fucking christmas song. Its as much of a christmas song as my old “Jesus is a cunt” shirt is a christmas sweater.
Maria Carey “all i want for Christmas is YooooouuuuOOuouoOUouoUoUOuooooooooooooouuooooouououoOUOUOuouoUOuoouOUOUOUOUOOOuuuuu”
we can also lump that with any of the covers, because they all do it.