At some point ever you’re going to realize is that the real things you need to be afraid of are largely caused by the stuff made up by Facebook boomers.
what specifically? vaccines cause autism/monkeypox, the democrats drink baby blood, trump won the last/next election, Putin is good because he’s only killing Nazis in Ukraine, forest fires are caused by Jewish space lasers, LGBTQ+ folks are grooming children and Bill Gates wants to put microchips in your brain?
Like — what are you saying, some misinformation is good?
I’m saying people believe those things. Roughly half of all voters. And those beliefs cause damage, and it will affect you, whether you think it’s stupid or not. You can ignore it and insult it all you want, but it’s not going away. Perhaps you’ve noticed?
personally I think its better to be afraid of real things that are happening than things made up by Facebook boomers.
why this particular issue fools even the most technical of people I’ll never know.
But Facebook can’t spy on me, I repost the “I DO NOT GIVE FACEBOOK PERMISSION” spam every 3 months without fail!
LOL :)
At some point ever you’re going to realize is that the real things you need to be afraid of are largely caused by the stuff made up by Facebook boomers.
what specifically? vaccines cause autism/monkeypox, the democrats drink baby blood, trump won the last/next election, Putin is good because he’s only killing Nazis in Ukraine, forest fires are caused by Jewish space lasers, LGBTQ+ folks are grooming children and Bill Gates wants to put microchips in your brain?
Like — what are you saying, some misinformation is good?
I’m saying people believe those things. Roughly half of all voters. And those beliefs cause damage, and it will affect you, whether you think it’s stupid or not. You can ignore it and insult it all you want, but it’s not going away. Perhaps you’ve noticed?
Right, so if “gOoGLe iS reCoRdiNg yOu” is false, it makes sense to call that out, no?
I appreciate how much time and attention you’re giving me! Thanks!