Simply put, if everything was 144fps then it would be easier on the eyes and motions would feel more natural. Even if it’s just navigating menus in a pixel style game.
Real life has infinite frames per second. In a world where high fps gaming becomes the norm, a low 24 fps game could be a great art style and win awards for its ‘bold art direction’.
Simply put, if everything was 144fps then it would be easier on the eyes and motions would feel more natural. Even if it’s just navigating menus in a pixel style game.
Real life has infinite frames per second. In a world where high fps gaming becomes the norm, a low 24 fps game could be a great art style and win awards for its ‘bold art direction’.
Not really. Real life is as many FPS as your eyes can perceive, which is about 60 (though it can vary somewhat between people). See: