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The original was posted on /r/mildlyinfuriating by /u/cocothepowder on 2023-08-15 01:29:36+00:00.

The least interesting form of conversation is when you say something and someone mishears you and then goes on a little monologue about what they misheard. It is never as funny as they think it is.


Me: “So I had to take him to Bakersfield—“

Them: “take him where?”

Me: “Oh, to Bakersfield. It’s a longer drive—”

Them: “Oh wow, I thought you said baseball field.”

Me: “Yeah. And so it’s a half hour further out—“

Them: “I’m sitting here wondering why you’d take him to a baseball field.”

Me: “Right. So we’re driving there—“

Them: “I was like, oh maybe they sell clothes at the baseball field like maybe it’s a community outreach thing—“

SHUT UP! You are hijacking this conversation with a deeply uninteresting tangent about your boring inner life! Stop fucking telling me what you thought you heard and what your entire thought process was in the split second before I corrected myself! There is no way you thought all of those things! And regardless, there are other people in the room who I am addressing! Oh my fucking god!