Billionaires truly believe they deserve our money. There is no need for earning because they see themselves as owners of it all from the start, entitled to fuck
Context for anyone also confused
Thanks! Fuckface has gone off the rails taking on Disney.
Thanks, appreciate you!
Wait, not that free market!
That ol’ opt-in mixed economy be sound reaaalll good right now…
And here in Sweden he is pissy that the workforce has rights as well, and I predict he’ll be even more pissy to realize that his handling of the entire situation has made other people less in favour of switching to a Tesla. Solidarity is big here - even with the general population of right wing voters.
Really love to hear that! Back around like 2016-2019 I loved the idea of switching to a Tesla. Couldn’t afford it but always thought it was something to strive for. Well, that is no longer the case for me and I actively encourage people to shop other EV’s if they’re set on them and to avoid anything with his name tied to it.
I feel dumb promoting the dude with a low effort meme, but hearing replies like this I feel makes it worth it.
I’m still hoping that DMC comes out with an alpha 5 variant I can afford
“I have no problem being hated” says the petulant man child that’s definitely handling it
They’re not even demanding anything.
They haven’t said “tone it down and we’ll come back” they just said “goodbye”.
How is that blackmail? There’s nothing he could do now to appease them (I guess maybe step down?)
I mean he has all but announced the fact Twitter will go into administration soon.
He literally said this latest move by advertisers will tank the company. He then blamed them for this.
My guess is he wants to get the narrative going that other companies killed twitter and not his mismanagement of it.
It’s their fault that they’re hurting my business. They’re leaving the platform I destroyed while insulting them. They need to stay so they can prop up more of my bad financial and social decisions! What a bunch of assholes!
It’s the leopard’s ate my face business strategy. 😆
Refused a work proposition for X/twitter yesterday. They are recruiting for their service handling vidéo media
Can’t imagine why anyone but MAGA cultists would want to work for them at this point.
“Why is this position open?”
Lol didn’t go this far, the name is confusing enought to lose time wondering if this is for twitter/X or some mystery company.
Yeah and when you see how they are fighting against unions in Europe, you can expect great working conditions.
Haha love this! Did you give them any reason why? Or just turned them down??
Nope, just told I don’t want to work for Elon when I was asking what company is this work description for. The name X is so confusing that I was wondering if this is X/twitter or if the recruiting company was trying to hide the name of their client. Took like 2-3 LinkedIn messages to be sure it was twitter/X.
Glad they got the feedback that people don’t want to work for the baby king! SWE here, I wouldn’t ever working for one of his companies or really any of the top tech places , but I also have full imposter syndrome so none of them would want me either 😂
There’s a reason why most corporations try to keep a squeaky clean appearance to the public. They’re trying to make money. It baffles me why Elon thinks public perception doesn’t apply to him or his corporations. It’s like he thinks the world is comprised of halfwit tech bros that will lap up any old bit of garbage that comes out of his mouth. Yes, freedom of speech is vital for democracy, but not everyone is required to agree with you or pay you money because you think you are right. A critical short coming of many narcissists.
It’s pretty easy to understand why he thinks he can get away with it when other companies get away with slavery and murder.
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Bruh hes literally started the trend of wether Twitter or Facebook, which is worse.