My strong belief is this type of transport is what we really need to adopt en masse.

It can carry 2 adults or 1 adult and 2 kids, has enough boot space to do your shopping, and protects you from the elements (which is the #1 issue with bicycles).

If there was a way these could be mass produced so they are cheap enough for people to justify… that would be a game changer.

    1 year ago

    I prefer a bus over this. I can get on the bus in front of my house, leave it somewhere, go shopping/to work and enter the bus at the end of my shopping tour, while with this, I would still have to walk back to where my thingy is, carrying what I have bought and thingy would take space up while parking in the city, while the bus is constantly moving. If we talk about the 15 Minute City (which I already life in, with a bus every 5-10 Minutes) , something like this is overkill for most people and too small/not suited for professional delivery. Currently I pay 49 Euro/month for the bus and other public transport and this is 6.000 - 10.000 Euros.