• WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    All of the above.

    Can you name anything Pool has agreed with the Democrats on (and disagreed with the conservative/reactionary/magat line) - words or actions in the last 2 years?

    I’m sure we can find something - but you could say that if most conservative voters. The relative difficulty proves my point.

          • WaxedWookie@lemmy.world
            10 months ago

            I know, in the past, he has voiced supply for common sense gun control.

            No amount of children dying should justify people having their rights taken away.

            He opposes abortion rights, doesn’t he. Dead kids don’t matter, but owning a gun is more important than losing bodily autonomy and taking on a lifelong responsibility. You’re choosing to defend this transparent grifter.

            What’s your guns and far left/right schizo posting (you really got unintelligible at the end there) got to do with Pool obviously being a right-winger a centrist? No matter - Gun control works just fine - why do you think the US has one of the highest rates of gun death in the developed world - particularly compared to Canada? Is homicide baked into American genetics or something? This isn’t a values statement - it’s a factual one. In the US specifically, I’d like leftists to own guns so they’re somewhat able to defend themselves when the right abandons democracy and start following through on their genocidal rhetoric.

            If being shown very simple evidence contradicting your weird defence of your parasocial big brother prompts this kind of response from you, I’d strongly recommend seeking some support. I’m going to block you now - I don’t wish you harm, and continuing to embarrass you might do just that. Be well, my dude.