Glad I found this community. I hope it’s ok to ask for some gift recommendations on here - wanna make my kid smile this Christmas :)
My son is 17, and he really likes knives. So far, he just has a few, and none of them are too nice. I would love to get him one within my budget, which is $150.
What are some quality and cool-looking knives in that range? He loves DnD and fantasy, as well as the color black and red.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read and recommend!
In the past I knew some people who were into knives, but I never understood the fascination.
I’m not judging, I’m just trying to understand the perspective. What is cool about them? I’d like to know.
I don’t know if I can explain it since it’s not my fascination, but my son’s. I think a part of it for him is the fantasy of owning a sword, but then there is also the utility of having a tool on you. Personally, I can appreciate knives, but I could take them or leave them. He’s been into them since elementary school. Not sure if that answers you question.
Some people collect spoons.. We’re just coming at it from the opposite direction.
For me there are a couple reasons to collect knifes:
Knives are tools with personality and I like that.
Thanks for the insight. I have my own fascinations and it’s nice to get a better perspective on why people have their fascinations. This is really helpful.