Нещодавно спеціальний черевик для саперів, розроблений нашими інженерами-ентузіастами, врятував нашому саперу ногу. Боєць обійшовся переломом ноги без втрати кінцівки.
Recently, a special boot for sappers developed by our enthusiastic engineers saved our sapper’s leg. The soldier got away with a broken leg without losing his limb.
More info from an earlier posting about these boots (including how they work in the comments):
Edit: These are Ukrainian manufactured and likely tweaked, however the original design and research came from here:
I believe the lead researcher is from Canada
Edit 2: The original design might be by Gad Shaanan Design, Inc which seems it had/has offices in the US and Canada.
Thank you for your research, I really appreciate it :-)