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The original was posted on /r/highstrangeness by /u/arskatehtaalla on 2023-08-11 10:20:20.

I live in the small village in Finland. As a Finn I am used to move in the woods and wilderness. I never get totally lost etc. I hunt, hike, trail run, go fishing… regular country stuff. I have lived this location about 5 years. It´s small neighborhood, surrounded by the forest.

There is a path/area where I got goosebumps and feel uneasy. Sometimes I feel like I am being followed or observed. Once I have seen a shining black column with red dots in that area. I got quite scared and ran to my home.

This has happened couple of times when I have gone through that area / via that path, that I see the the nearby barn but I can´t reach it. That way and path is wrong and I feel like a loop or something. My dog seems to be confused too, that we are walking but not getting nowhere. After some time 5-15min. we start to reach the end of the forest.

In Finnish folklore there is phenomenon called “metsän peitto” ->Forest cover. But this is not the exactly the same, because I know or believe to know where I am.

Here is the wikipeadia article about the metsän peitto

Have you had similar experiences? What might cause this?