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The original was posted on /r/sex by /u/Madvillain014 on 2023-08-11 15:19:00.

The love of my life and I are both in our 30s. We have an amazing life. Communication, Fun times, trips, good sex and just love all around…

There’s only 1 problem, she refuses to give blowjobs… it’s not like she never has, it’s just like 1 every 6mo to a year type thing…I know she works a lot so maybe she’s tired. But sometimes I think it’s me… maybe I don’t put her in that mood, I honestly don’t know… everytime I mention a blowjob she gets not offended but annoyed I’m asking…

I could see if I’m a bad guy but I’m not I’m loyal, work hard, try to keep myself in shape and take care of the house pretty well…

I was just wondering outside of direct verbal cues, is there anyway to sway a woman into a blowjob maybe charismatically?