I wonder when NZ will move away from the quasi-free-market-but-funded-by-the-government system in health (and education). It leads to outcomes like this which are clearly inefficient. I’d like to see more centralisation.

  • BalpeenHammer@lemmy.nz
    1 year ago

    The only credible solution on the horizon for a small country like ours is AI. I am deadly serious. An AI tied to your smart watch or health monitor can literally observe you 24X7 and catch many problems before they occur. One AI can be the first line of defence for all of NZ. Also AI can answer many question online for people who are worried about various symptoms. Even is the answer is “make an appointment with your GP”.

    We need more lower level tiers in our system like A&E too. Clinics where people can walk into 24X7