If it makes you feel any better, they are truly, truly awful people. They spend their time harassing and brigading in order to simp for the most murderous, anti-leftist, anti-queer dictators the world has ever known. They are basically definitionally assholes, and idiots on top of that.
Leave them in their cesspit. They deserve whatever they inflict on each other (and those instances too stupid or naive to defederate with them). We have better uses for our time.
I saw this. I’m sorry it happened to you.
If it makes you feel any better, they are truly, truly awful people. They spend their time harassing and brigading in order to simp for the most murderous, anti-leftist, anti-queer dictators the world has ever known. They are basically definitionally assholes, and idiots on top of that.
Leave them in their cesspit. They deserve whatever they inflict on each other (and those instances too stupid or naive to defederate with them). We have better uses for our time.