It’s as valid as me saying because I am linking the url below, I must own it:
NFT has no implication that the url being linked is owned in any way.
It’s just a url just like I posted in this comment. If I own it or not is irrelevant. There’s no proof of actual copyright ownership anywhere involved with NFTs and requires a legal document for copyright, which they don’t have.
NFT is a record of agreement, that one side acquired something from another. It is as powerful as agreement wrote on paper. So, it might be enforced by court, depending on situation.
It’s as valid as me saying because I am linking the url below, I must own it: NFT has no implication that the url being linked is owned in any way.
It’s just a url just like I posted in this comment. If I own it or not is irrelevant. There’s no proof of actual copyright ownership anywhere involved with NFTs and requires a legal document for copyright, which they don’t have.
NFT is a record of agreement, that one side acquired something from another. It is as powerful as agreement wrote on paper. So, it might be enforced by court, depending on situation.