Hello everyone.
For reasons irrelevant to this post I Want to get a domain for my selfhosting server from esthonia as im a foreigner i stoubled uppon some issues /questions.
I’m reading that this is allowed, but I want tips for the proses or suggestions for regisars.
Also I want to clarify one pcs of information that I was shocked to see.
Estonia (as per my research) mandates that each and every domain under its tld is linked to its owner ID number, but I doubt it that my foreign ID will be accepted…
I found some registars that they are able to tie themselves as the management entity (thus I don’t need to provide a ID) but this not only seems sketchy, but it comes with a 25-30€ /month! fee over the domain…
Thanks for anyone who takes the time to reply
Why is that shocking?
It’s the same in Norway, and other country specific TLDs. You’ll need to have a VAT number to purchase a .NO, but I don’t think you have to be a Norwegian national.
Company and private domains have different rules. Iirc personal domains require a norid PID that needs a national identification number and for the company, you’d need to have an office in Norway registered for it to be approved:)