Guys, gals, and non-binary pals.
Bastards, bitches and assholes.
Penn Jillette has some shit takes at times, but I feel like he landed on a good one when he was workshopping an inclusive greeting on his podcast:
“Welcome brothers, sisters and siblings to…”
Penn Jillette has a podcast? What’s it called?
Penns sunday school.
It’s about a 1000 episodes, so it’s been around a bit. Lots of magic buisness talk, lots of comedy.
Huh. I enjoyed him talking on JRE (I don’t listen to him anymore, there was a time it was good I swear) and looked at the time, but didn’t find anything. That was several years ago tho. I’ll have to give it a listen.
Penn podcast predates Joe’s. Joe was first on penns getting his ass kicked by a NASA scientist while Joe was trying to debate if the moon landing is real. He got clowned so hard I figured he’d never be on another podcast again…I was wrong.
Whelp. I’m just bad at finding podcasts then Lol
His show back then was simply called Penn Gillette I think.
Fuck yeah, Kenji! (He’s the one that popularized the phrase afaik, apologies if not)
I am not sure, but this is definitely not a Stovetop original. I heard it somewhere else and it stuck with me because it just rolls off the tongue well.
I’ve only heard Thomas Sanders use it. Maybe he started it? ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯
Oh this is pretty good… I’m stealing this.
Ladies, gentlemen, and menaces to society
“What’s up, my beardos and weirdos!”
(One Topic references, these are the sounds of One Topic references)
Oi cunts! Seems to fit everyone…
Fails hard if you can’t do an australian accent and you’re speaking to an audience of women though
Thats when ya go with “Sup Bitches”
That’s far more of a UK phrase, IMHO. 😅
“Sup Fuckers” is my go to.
Reminds me of the official English translation for the Azumanga Daioh manga, where Osaka walks into the room and greets everyone by saying, “Sup, numb nuts!”
I tried watching Macross Delta before english subs were offered; the fansubs by Deadfish, included these simple lines which in my head-cannon are a flawless translation of what the japanese characters said:
“Jellyfish chips is like crack.”
‘Yes.’my question is would they know what crack is?
Also I need to watch the fansubbed version of Delta.
Dude I literally typed your exact comment, said “ah fuck it,” backed out, scrolled down, and read your comment. I legit checked to make sure it wasn’t me who posted it.
Well, my nose is now burning because I just shot coffee out of it. Thanks for that.
Happy to help!
“Lata bitches.” being the appropriate parting.
The south, interestingly enough, always got it right: “Y’all."
That’s the singular. The plural is All y’all
Nah, y’all is a small group. All y’all is a big group.
Being from KY I am certified to speak on these matters. Y’all, 3 or less. All y’all, 4 or more.
TN here. I feel like “all y’all” has vitriol behind it. I don’t think I’ve ever heard it from someone who wasn’t angry lol. I personally use y’all for any group
Good point. Maybe not vitriol but confusion. All y’all can’t fit in the backseat.
Confusion works too. Negativity, I think, is the big deciding factor. Be it anger, confusion, skepticism…
More neutral than Michigan, “Alls you guys”
Sup fuckers and non-fuckers (ace inclusion is important)
Ladies, Gentlmen, and other androgynous creatures (odo)
Odo: the only one we don’t include in ACAB. (and even then, I mean… we kinda do)
Alright losers listen up!
Not inclusive of the rich, so even better
This is in country that no longer exists
“Sup dudes” is what I use. easier.
edit: if there’s any confusion, always defer to the philosophy of Ed from Good Burger.
“I’m a dude. He’s a dude. She’s a dude. Cause we’re all dudes! (hey!)”
Dudes, guys, and boiiii are gender neutral terms and that’s a hill I’ll die on
Well get ready to, 'cause I need you to go to the bar and ask a straight man if he fucks dudes, guys, or boiiiiis.
That’s his business
What’s his business?
“so I was making out with this dude” is not gender neutral though
the post was for ways to address large groups of people without offending anyone. “Sup dudes” is my answer to that.
Careful, some weirdos will get offended at that one for absolutely no reason.
I addressed everyone as dudes in a work email once, a woman I worked with mentioned she wasn’t a dude. Yes, she was just messing. The next email I addressed it to Glorious Comrades. It became an inside joke between us for a while.
Maybe, but that’s like… Their opinion dude
you can’t just say that, what if they’re not a dude? (•ˇ_ˇ•) /s
no. no ponies.
My manager says “hello kittys”, that one is excellent because it weirds everyone out. Especially in a button-down corporate environment.
Makes me think of that Discord role call video.
Guys, gals and nonbinary pals
I learned this one from my pal scoots.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and friends beyond the binary. It’s time for Sleep With Me, the podcast that puts you to sleep!
“What up, dipshits?”
Bitches, bros, and nonbinary hoes
For what it’s worth, I don’t think “girls, gays, and theys” was ever meant to be inclusive of everyone. It’d be more like replacing “the boys” in “I was just out with the boys”.
yeah i think that term intentionally includes everybody except cishet dudes, not meant to be all-encompassing
Greetings, citizens of earth
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
okay, “Citizens of Earth, and our esteemed guests:”
“Greetings, programs!”
pov I’m watching the ceo explain how “restructuring” 100 people out of their jobs is not layoffs because we’re actually doing great financially
Mm greetings programs in meat hardware
“Neigh/Them” pronouns.
It seems we have Neigh sayers here