Once again I messed the pill count and didn’t renew my prescription in time sol I’ll be riding this coming week dry… thanks stupid US medical system.

UPDATE: I had to pay out of pocket. $120 because my doc didn’t fill some random paper so I could get the meds, but insurance won’t cover it. It takes 6 months to get an appointment with my doc. I saw him last week and he said he would send a refill, he did t. My pharmacy the requested after I called to check. No go. I called the nurse and asked — automated voicemail. I’m done. I’m done I’m done.

  • LazaroFlim@lemmy.filmOP
    1 year ago

    I have to call the nurse and have them renew my prescription. It can’t be automated. It has to be within a specific window of days. Then the pharmacy has to have it in stock (and a lot of drugs are out of stock). I’ll spare you the details about getting your ADHD drug accepted by your health insurance in the first place. They denied the drug my doc prescribed and told me to try another one first, it didn’t work then and only then they reluctantly accepted the original one.

    • cheese_greater@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Wow. Its insane how patients are treated like guinea pigs in a neverending race to the bottom vis-a-vis drug policy. That is absolutely insane and completely inappropriate to the target audience (expecting ADHD people to stay on top of all those moving pieces just to get their f-in prescription that you take forever.

      I wonder if you could make a deal with your doc to double/triple the dosage but he’ll only refill it every 2 months or…God-forbid -> 3 months like is normal everywhere else