I accidentally killed wyl via a cutscene and she was furious. I had to reload, it hurt my heart how mad she got at me
If it was the one with Mizora I’ve done the exact same thing, reload and all. They really did a good job with making the barbarian rage believable, Karlach has a lot to be angry about, reasonably so.
That’s the one! And yeah she goes from cuddly to RAGEEEE real easily. She’s my favorite ever.
On my “come to the dark side we’ve got [redacted]” play-through she shit talked me after what I did and I managed to bullshit my way out of a confrontation. Then I killed her right away by striking first. Nobody talks to me like that.
Can we please not do the whole “oh you like this character? Lol I murdered her at the first opportunity” thing? It’s kinda tiresome, and it’s the reason I stopped using the game’s subreddit.
Dude let people say what they want. This is a conversation platform, if you don’t want to read others watch a movie or something
Damn, sorry for not wanting to be in a community full of obnoxious edgelords. Jeez.
A shame they made the solo quest basically “you are the edgiest of edgelords, LORD OF EDGE with the darkest of Urges!”