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Dont mind any of the mispellings and bad grammar in this. I typed this very quickly. There are some research notes mixed in

Aspartame: Metabolizes into methanol in the body. 200mg of aspartame metabolizes into around 13.5mg of methanol in the body. Methanol is further metabolized into formaldehyde in the liver then excreted through the kidneys. 40mg of aspartame is the maximum recommended dose to consume daily. One can of diet soda has 200mg of aspartame. Most people who consume it, consume it well over the recommended daily amount. Studies on lab rats have proved that aspartame increases the time that it takes for a rat to complete a maze for a reward, have experienced endocrine disruption effects, hightened anxiety and increases cancer rates. Aspartame was discovered in the early 1900s as a drug for treating stomach ulcers. The man who discovered it noticed how sweet it was and pattened it. There was another guy who already had a foothold in the artificial sweetener business. He bought the patten, and tried numerous times to pass it through the fda but failed everytime because of its known toxic effects. Ronald Reagan got into office and manipulation occured that allowed the fda to be taken over from the inside. Once it was taken over they started allowing “drugs” to be put into our food that were never even close to passing the guidelines prior to the take over. aspartame then took over the artifical sweetener business. This is just one chemical of a list of hundreds that people consume on a daily basis, and feel that just because it meets fda guidelines means that its safe. During the Reagon administration is when humanity first started taking big leaps in the field of psychology. Alot of research was done on how to control the masses to meet their agendas. Is it a coincidence that alot of these chemicals that are put into our food all effect the way our brains function? Could the FDA really be that blind? I dont think so. I believe that this is all intentional and has been planned out very well by many powerful people. I guess we could call them the comittee of 300? We might not ever know about it. People are very quick to dismiss things as conspiracy now days. The elites have done a great job of “clouding the water” with fake conspiracies so that the population are quick to dismiss anything that may expose their disgusting plans. Their plan is in full effect right now. I try to find hope in this world, but im scared that humanity is already too brainwashed to ever fight back. I know that this is anecdotal evidence, but when I stopped consuming these chemicals in processed foods, it was like a blanket was lifted off of my brain. I could for once think to my maximum capacity again. Its like my soul has been restored. I write this as a warning to the population. Their plan is to control us, and for us to not ever be able to fight back. They want to control the rate of population growth.

Step one was the introduction of social media. Social media uses hundreds of advanced tactics to get into our minds. They directly tap into your dopamine and seratonin reward systems. They use hypnosis by repetion tactics to get you to change your beliefs. They start fights between groups of people to help push certain agendas.They use emotional manipulation tactics and use your feelings against you. Its all a simulation to them. They have powerful ai tracking every single thing about every citizen with a smartphone powered by google. After they get people on their side they then turn it into an almost cult like structure. Then they begin to Censor anything that goes against what they want to mislead people to believe. Google is useless at this point. Every search result is filtered by the government and anything against their plan will be removed or hidden from plain sight. Heres are some examples of words that the google ai can pick up on that will instantly shadow ban a video from youtube or get a comment deleted (LGBTQ, Gay, Left, Dem, Biden, BA, Phthalates, Red 40, Blue Lake 1, Yellow 7, two genders, war, tyrant, conspiracy, fake news, ) There are thousands of these phrases that will result in censorship.

They go as far as adding fake views to these shadowbanned videos, and adding comments from bot accounts dismissing truth as conspiracies. I have been experimenting with the youtube ai algorithm for a long time. It is extrememly advanced. If you put one word that they dont like your comment will be instantly deleted. It has been getting worse by the year. Ever since Biden has made it into office Censorship has been at an all time high. True free speech no longer exists and the line drawn between whats fine to say and whats not fine to say gets thinner by the day. Their ultimate goal is to run this country like a dictatorship and to be able to arrest anyone who says anything that goes against them. Even if what they are doing is evil and wrong. A perfect example is the Alex Jones sandy hook shooting defemation case. Since when is it illegal to give your opinion on a tragic event that happened in PUBLIC? If anyone else said this they wouldnt get in trouble. The reality of the situation is that they needed to censor alex jones, because he has exposed alot of their secrets. A huge one being him exposing the elites going to the bohemion grove in California (Which was always said to be a conspiracy until alex jones caught them all on video). but I will explain my take on that later. It is very very concerning especially if you are religious. I could write a whole book on the vaticans corruption in itself. Im not even going to go there in this article though due to the possibility of pushing away religious extemeists from taking this seriously. I am all for religion, but beware of the corruption, and evil that hides behind it.

Step two is the process of mass endocrine disruption. Is it a coincidence all of these men just decided they want to dress up as women? I dont think they are the ones to blame. What is really going on is that we are being purposely exposed to massive amounts of endocrine disruptors on a daily basis. Remember when the FDA was pushing everyone to switch out vegetable oils for “healthier” seed oils such as conola, soybean, and corn oils? Well it turns out that these seed oils wreak havvoc on your endocrine system. They have a greater effect in men. These seed oils are only one thing out of hundreds of foods that are exposing us to this stuff. There have been studies showing that over the last 100 years the taint size of men has been decreasing, and has been decreasing at a more rapid pace than ever before. taint size is one characteristic that is really different between male and females. females have very short taints, and males have large taints this is how its been since humans have been on earth. This is only one example of proof that there are environmental factors influencing the manliness of men.

Step three is convincing these men that its normal to be the way they are. These “men” are very dangerous to society. They feel they are part of a big change for the better, but in reality they are tools that are being used by the government to do something very dark and evil. So evil that its beyond comprehension. These “men” think they are standing up for our rights by being “white knights” and fighting this fake war on racism, and homophobia. When in reality our rights are currently being stripped away one a time right in front of our faces. Thats how brainwashed they are. And they are rightfully so brainwashed. These people dont know that their mind is working at 1% its actual capacity and that they have been systematically poisoned. It is hard to believe… And thats the biggest issue. No research is being done on these things because they already know the answer. They used us for their research, and the experiment is working perfectly as planned.

Step four is converting this country to a one sided dictatorship that still calls itself a decomcracy. As disgusting as this idea may be to those out there that still have braincells left. Its happening right in front of your eyes. This is a giant social/econonics experiment. They have plenty of data to see correlations between things, (for example, how the anxiety from possible nuclear war may influence the way people spend their money). They take these correlations to formulate the plans that they will use to control us. For example they know if gas prices are high, and we are on covid lockdown that people will not be travelling anywhere. They know this leads to social isolation, and they know social isolation leads to higher levels of hostility towards other people, so they use this against us to force people to be stuck on social media more often in which is directly correlated to more people being brainwashed. It really is that complex, and probably even way more complex than that. Our brains are computers after all and if they fully understand how brains work they will know the best ways to influence the brain for maximum control over the population. We are talking about the smartest most powerful people in the whole world that have technology that is many years ahead of our time. Virtual reality headsets existed in the 60s. You can see the patent online.

Step five is world domination for a one world totitalarism government. At this point we will be manipulated to the point where we have no idea what is really going on. Technology will continue to grow for the elite and we will be stuck in a horrible economy, and will be forced to work for slave wages. Anyone who stands up against the government will be killed. Every word we say will be monitored. Every transaction we make will be monitored. Fun things will no longer exist due to strict laws. The weak will be killed off that dont contribute enough to society. We will treat our leaders as gods. If you dont treat them as gods you will be severely punished. Crimes as simple as petty theft for food will get you killed. Racism and division will be worse than it has ever been anytime in history. This is what may be coming if something isnt done to wake everyone up from this nightmare.

    1 year ago

    We really need some anti-spam tools on Lemmy.

    Crossposting from /c/conspiracy smh