• tetris11@lemmy.ml
    1 day ago

    Media is definitely to blame, especially if we go the other way in the way it worships celebrities as people worthy of praise for arguably doing not much and being in the right place at the right time whilst having the right connections. It gives an impossible ideal for success that appears to reward merit but mostly rewards narcissism and self-promotion, and tries to sell these as viable paths for young adults that is free for the taking for anyone of any background.

    I do also think that the middle-ish class are somewhat silently complicit, even if they say nothing bad about those less fortunate. They will never say anything bad, but they will also not allow for social housing to be built in their backyards whilst sympathetically tutting about it.

    I’d argue that the only thing that’s changed since 1969 is the open hatred had the higher classes had to their poor, whereas now it’s more a source of embarassment to shut out and not talk about.