Personally I mostly afked at sandcrabs during the week and tried to get ever closer to the quest cape om the weekend, I’m at 140 Quests with 253 Questpoints so a end is in sight :)
Thinking about what Quests to go for today, we will see but I think I’ll gun for fremenik exiles and defender of varrock
Agility is a slog, for sure. Honestly one of the biggest additions that I appreciated in RS3 was silverhawks. Are they cheap, and make the skill stupidly easy to afk? Yes. Do I dislike that? Not one fucking bit. I hated the old “run around the agility course for hours at a time” method of training agility. At least with silverhawks you aren’t trapped in the Hallowed Sepulchre for 180+ hours.
At least with skills like woodcutting, you can semi-afk the grind. But Agility requires constant diligence.
God yeah. I definitely prefer afk stuff, woodcutting was the best shit ever bc of that. But I’m getting close to max and if I can get agility done, I can max.