Red Bull - European but Far right

Buy European but … Also with ethical considerations.

Red Bull might sound cool, but they have their own TV station in Austria. (servus TV) And that station js beyond far right. Spreading disinformation, and Russian propaganda, Corona Bullshi, Ivermectint, cleaning stuff with chlorid, climate change deniers, … If there is a conspiracy they support it …

(And it’s also not very healthy,…)

    4 hours ago

    It’s a double edged sword, yes. But in times like these (internet) people can present their views regardless, so I’d say its nice when they’re doing it somewhere where well-articulated and science-backed views get presented too and they can be fact checked. That’s how you win back people before they’re too deep in the rabbit hole, on the internet they quickly just fall into an echo chamber, only getting recommended similar articles, videos, … to the ones that they’re already reading/watching.

    For people like me in the other hand it’s interesting to see from which kind of people they got some of their world views and makes it easier to prepare arguments against them.

    I’d simply say discussions are a good thing for a democracy, I really don’t like the mindset of simply letting people fall out of touch with any mainstream information (which is mainstream for a reason) once they reject it on one topic. That leads to polarisation, radicalisation and a rising amount of voters for the pro-Russian parties.

    Trump also would never have won if the USA wasn’t so polarised.