‘Thaddeus Paddington the sixth’ Dean replied.
"Did you check that one Cassius Julius?’ She whispered.
‘Aye… I mean Yes Inquisitor.’ Seamus (wearing a fake beard) replied in a posh oxford accent.
‘Are you reeealllly sure, Cassius?’
(In a high born accent) ‘Are you questioning the most noble house of Julius Inquisitor?’
‘Heavens no. It’s just that he looks familiar somehow’ she replied squinting at Dean’s face.
Dean nervously fingered the fake mole and fake moustache on his face.
‘Let’s bring in an expert.’ Umbridge said. 'Mr Bartholomew Reginald Pemberton-Winslow could you come in for minute?
Fred Weasley entered the room with a comically large tophat, eye patch and monocle.
(Obnoxious Posh Upper class Accent) ’ I was just… er counting all my money like rich people like to do in the morning . How can I help you - Ah Mr Thaddeus how is your most noble father?’
Dean grinned.