Republicans account for 13 government shutdowns, 8 all in Reagan’s terms. 1 under H.W Bush. 2 under Bill Clinton (when Republicans had both Senate/House with a Democratic president). 1 with Obama (with a bipartisan House/Senate split). 3 under Commander Dipshit and a looming one like this one.
So, a large majority of these shutdowns are of course caused by Republicans.
Short answer - Yes.
Republicans account for 13 government shutdowns, 8 all in Reagan’s terms. 1 under H.W Bush. 2 under Bill Clinton (when Republicans had both Senate/House with a Democratic president). 1 with Obama (with a bipartisan House/Senate split). 3 under Commander Dipshit and a looming one like this one.
So, a large majority of these shutdowns are of course caused by Republicans.