After Harry went into the Great Hall for breakfast, he spotted Ron at his usual place at the griffindor table, chatting with some other griffindor girl Harry never saw before. Stranger still, the unknown girl smiled warmly at Harry and waved to him. “Over here, Harry, we saved you a seat!”

“Erm, excuse me, but… who are you?” Harry asked as he sat down. “Sally-Anne Perks?” the girl said in a dismissive tone, as if the question itself was ridiculous. “Your best friend?” she added, treating it as the most obvious thing in the world.

“Are you alright, Harry?” Ron asked him, probably noticing how pale Harry suddenly was. “Where’s Hermione?” Harry asked, looking franticaly around the Great Hall, as if he hoped to suddenly spot her somewhere among the dozens of students. “Hermione?” Ron and Sally-Anne looked at each other in confusion. “Who’s Hermione?”