Did you not even bother to read the paragraphs I quoted? You have no clue what you’re talking about
But in an astonishing recent Ha’aretz interview, after summarizing his new research, Morris proceeds to argue for the necessity of ethnic cleansing in 1948. He faults David Ben-Gurion for failing to expel all Arab Israelis, and hints that it may be necessary to finish the job in the future. Though he calls himself a left-wing Zionist, he invokes and praises the fascist Vladimir Jabotinsky in calling for an “iron wall” solution to the current crisis. Referring to Sharon’s Security Wall, he says, “Something like a cage has to be built for them. I know that sounds terrible. It is really cruel. But there is no choice. There is a wild animal there that has to be locked up in one way or another.” He calls the conflict between Israelis and Arabs a struggle between civilization and barbarism, and suggests an analogy frequently drawn by Palestinians, though from the other side of the Winchester: “Even the great American democracy could not have been created without the annihilation of the Indians.”
honestly don’t see this in all that stuff you copy pasted
you conflate zionist with the mania of this last war, zionist used to just mean jews that want their own country
morris acknowledges the bad that was done in the war that led to the naqba, but saw it as the only option where the palestinians would never settle for peace and hadn’t done for 20 years
No it doesn’t, as discussed at length in the first section you didn’t read twice. You have no clue what you’re talking about. It’s not a copypasta if I’m the one who read all the sources I sourced and provided relevant paragraphs and links all of which I’ve personally read, genius.
zionist used to just mean jews that want their own country morris acknowledges the bad that was done in the war that led to the naqba, but saw it as the only option where the palestinians would never settle for peace and hadn’t done for 20 years
No, Zionism has always been about the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians since it’s inception. Partition was a deliberate tactic to set the stage for plan dalet which was also planned. You keep repeating these myths. Section 2, Partition, shows how the Nakba was not “the only option” it was intentional. I provided multiple books that go into depth exactly how these myths are untrue and don’t reflect the reality of the history.
Sure, books written by Zionists who see Palestinians as subhuman. Good for you. Enjoy justifying ethnic cleansing and genocide. You clearly have no interest in human rights or the reality of Israel Palestine.
Did you not even bother to read the paragraphs I quoted? You have no clue what you’re talking about
honestly don’t see this in all that stuff you copy pasted
you conflate zionist with the mania of this last war, zionist used to just mean jews that want their own country
morris acknowledges the bad that was done in the war that led to the naqba, but saw it as the only option where the palestinians would never settle for peace and hadn’t done for 20 years
No it doesn’t, as discussed at length in the first section you didn’t read twice. You have no clue what you’re talking about. It’s not a copypasta if I’m the one who read all the sources I sourced and provided relevant paragraphs and links all of which I’ve personally read, genius.
what is discussed at length? palestinians not making peace?
Maybe read it before you try to argue stuff that’s already within the damn reply
what exactly in what i said is discussed at length?
No, Zionism has always been about the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians since it’s inception. Partition was a deliberate tactic to set the stage for plan dalet which was also planned. You keep repeating these myths. Section 2, Partition, shows how the Nakba was not “the only option” it was intentional. I provided multiple books that go into depth exactly how these myths are untrue and don’t reflect the reality of the history.
when the ottoman empire was defeated both the arabs and the jews suddenly realised they had a chance of their own state
the arabs started attacking the british and the jews and the jews started attacking the british and the arabs
finally the british left and it was the arabs vs the jews
the arabs lost, big time, and kept losing for the next 80 years
i’m sure i can find a couple of books that say that as well
Sure, books written by Zionists who see Palestinians as subhuman. Good for you. Enjoy justifying ethnic cleansing and genocide. You clearly have no interest in human rights or the reality of Israel Palestine.