More than 10,000 people turned out for a rally with U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt), in Warren as part of his national “Fighting Oligarchy” tour.
More than 10,000 people turned out for a rally with U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt), in Warren as part of his national “Fighting Oligarchy” tour.
It’s interesting to watch this, and while Bernie is slightly left to my values, how come this octogenarian gets it and the rest of the party doesn’t? I’m just amazed that some democrats interpret this as “let’s align with MAGA” a little more, instead of calling those “right wing radicalists”. The future of Dems is to be the anti-oligarchy party. While I understand how risky this may be as unlimited dark money pouring in can tilt things, but people still have the power if they unite.
One third of Americans voted for Donald Trump. One third of Americans did not vote.
Two thirds of Americans a) think that Kamala Harris, forget Bernie Sanders, was too conservative, or b) do not give a fuck.
The idea that there is this massive left wing sentiment that will bubble to the surface if the Democrats annouce their Five Year Plan simply isn’t something born out by the numbers.
affordable education and universal healthcare would be popular drawing forces.
You mean two essential parts of the Democratic platform for decades?
One of which Biden tried to implement by executive order, but was blocked by the Supreme Court?
No fucking way anti-oligarchy is the future of the party. The Dems are going to run the same tired playbook of courting the center and hoping the Republicans shit the bed. They are already saying this loudly and often.
We’ll see. It would be quite tragicomical after they just got punished for moving towards the center like the second humiliating time around. At least Bernie’s showing the path.
I mean I’m pretty sure a bit ago I saw something that leaked from a meeting of Dems about strategy going forward where they were talking about trying to shift more to the right by presenting themselves as more patriotic and pushing for more focus on larger donors rather than lots of small donors which is basically just doubling down on what they just tried. I still have some hope that maybe people get so fed up a Bernie like candidate can win despite major push back from donors and the establishment of the party and shape the party to be more progressive rather than allowing the party apparatus and donors to shape them to be less progressive but if that did happen it would be a bigger upset then what happened with Trump winning and shaping the Republican party into his personal Maga party.
If Bernie fucking Sanders is too far left for you then you’re definitely part of the problem
Agreed, Sanders only has the working class at heart throughout his career. Is he perfect? Of course not. If you are working class and you think Bernie is bad…. You really need to reconsider who you are and where you stand.
nobody called Bernie bad here…
Understood. I was just making a statement.
While too far left could mean this, the op just said “slightly left”. Of course, if what you meant is that Bernie Sanders is barely left enough, that anyone to the right of him is the problem, then nvm.
The second one
Here we have somebody being polite and engaging in I come to this community because I wish to talk to people who are more right-wing than me. Let’s not shoo them away please.
Just because they’re polite doesn’t mean they’re not wrong, and if they can’t handle being told so then your talking with them isn’t going to get anything done anyway
Edit: if you go on calling people “part of the problem” for considering Bernie slightly to their left in a post that praises him, then you are actually part of the problem and you don’t even realize it.
no u
How in the fuck is Bernie too far left for you? America is way too far fucking right wing, that’s insane
It generally is, especially from the European perspective but not entirely. If we put aside present republican posturing, the USA is very immigration-friendly right and left whereas in Europe the right wing is extremely against any kind of immigration.
You guys are way too inclined to think in extremes. Slight = difference between democratic socialist vs. social democrat.
Which party? The Democrats? He’s not part of them since they crushed him and his followers in 2016, preferring to back H.Clinton to a stunning loss against Trump.
They don’t get it because they are also a party more interested in supporting oligarchs than the working person. They still think that Trump beat them through disinformation, when it was really that they lost because their track record since Carter has been to back big business over the needs of the common people. Clinton and Obama should have been ripping up Regan’s / Bush’s legacy, but they just tweaked it. All Trump did was speak to that, even though he had no intention of doing anything about it.