I feel I should get rid of them or stop using them but most have good benefits so I am unsure what I should do. I tried using YNAB but it isn’t how I think about money. I really need to stick to my budget but with my partner and child I feel money is constantly flowing out.
- Sams card great for Sams and gas. Free. Only use for the above.
- PNC unlim good all around and free.
- Older PNC card, told not to cancel because it is free for my credit. Only pay utils on it. Not worried about this one.
- Amazon card, 5% discount on amazon for family essentials, free.
- Amex, 95$, good all around, and great customer support.
I’m thinking I should possible cancel Amex and Amazon because they easily add up, then focus on just using my main PNC unlim card. Thoughts on this?
The Amazon discount and Amex purchase protection are both nice but having more than one with so many purchases as a family is stressful.
I don’t see any reason to cancel the old PNC card or Sams card. Use around 100$ a month on them.
I have used in on one occasion where it helped me when I think a normal visa card would not have. Other times the PNC cards service is good but slow and out of date. I call Amex and they answer in ten seconds and know my name and account. That is nice. You make fair points though. PNC’s service is already good enough and situations like the one time it did save me are rare.
Smart logic behind the cards you keep. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!