TLDR: upvote if you want BuyFromEU to stick around.
Hi folks, new mod here.
There are two quite similar communities on different instances. Some users - coming from the different place - are in favor for abandoning this one, fearing a split and unecessary separation of users for an important movement. I’m not so sure if the other one is a substitute. Also - to be honest - I dislike the agressive, relentless style some users use in a -if you will- foreign community.
- An upvote on this post means this you want this community to evolve. I would then proceed and search for more moderators and try to keep this a productive, interconnected space.
- A downvote means you are in favor of abandoning and settling with the other community.
You can use the comments on this post to express your feelings in a civil manner.
I’ll finally check back in about 48hours and take a look at where we are standing.
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Hey. You keep repeating yourself, even copying all your messages by the letter. We heard your point, we just don’t agree.
You used a hyperbole about how consolidating two communities would as well bring up back to Reddit. I provided counter-examples to show that it’s not the case.
It is not a hyperbole. Just imagine posting a link to an awesome new game in a PC, a console and a general gaming community. Discussions will unfold in different ways.
This section is new, you still haven’t answered it.
See, what you don’t get is: what will be moderated and what not, is up to the team of moderators that choose to take over this community: if at all. This post is about if we should give it a direction at all.