Demons don’t have to stand on top of a trap (if it’s on the ceiling for example), so if someone would hold a trap on top of a demon and move it around, would the demon have to follow it?
If yes, would you be able to drag them around on the ground with the trap?
If it did make them move then what would happen if you had 2 traps overlaid, and then moved one away? Venn diagram style. Demon killer?
I’ve never watched supernatural.
So in supernatural they just act like one-way cylindrical walls coming up from the circle. Some different Lore’s punish a demon that crosses the line, supernatural just makes it impossible.
If you did damage to their physical body to the point where it couldn’t live anymore, they could still turn to smoke and leave at that point, though.
There’s specific ways to kill a demon that kill it forever, so this circle exploit wouldn’t be that.
I think whoever was holding the movable circles would need the physical strength to crush the demon themselves, as if the walls were solid. Given their durability, no one would be able to do that, although a circle inscribed on a bulldozer or something might be able to cross with one on the ground and achieve this.
Still, crushing them would be less than useful. better off killing them permanently.
What if a trap is completed and the demon is partway inside? Probably just spits it out, one way or another?
So im supernatural, a partly completed trap just isn’t functional. They complete the trap, then trick/force the demon to cross into the circle. Demons can walk in just fine.
A demon that hasn’t fully crossed the trap isn’t trapped yet and can just back up.