I’ve got 64 GB of RAM and would like to force cargo to dump build artifacts into it. So basically the target/ directory should end up there.

Unless I’m mistaken RAM is much faster than SSDs and since I do rebuild quite often, it would save some R/W cycles on my SSD and allow faster file access.

I do jot mind doing a full rebuild every morning


These 2 comments gave me the best indication how to do it: cargo ramdisk and build.target-dir config options.

Would be great if cargo had a build.target-dir-prefix though. One could set and env var CARGO_TARGET_DIR_PREFIX and point it at /dev/shm or /tmp if it’s a tmpfs and every rust project would have its artefacts end up in RAM.

  • MoSal@lemm.ee
    22 days ago

    /tmp is still tmpfs here, but I prefer this (below) nowadays for usages that are not typical /tmp usages:

      n=$(cat /sys/class/zram-control/hot_add)
      echo zstd > /sys/block/zram${n}/comp_algorithm # change that if you like
      echo 8G > /sys/block/zram${n}/disksize # larger disk probably needed for /target
      mkfs.ext4 -O '^has_journal' -L TMPZ -m 0.001 /dev/zram${n}
      # discard is important for auto-trimming
      mount -o noatime,discard /dev/zram${n} /tmpz
      chmod 777 /tmpz
      chmod +t /tmpz
      rm -rf '/tmpz/lost+found'

    This is a part of my zram devices initialization script, a bunch used for swap as usual, then ending with this. modprobe zram num_devices=0 works if one likes to hot_add all devices.

    From zram you get a block device with builtin compression. From ext4, you still get features like creation time, truncate and fallocate support, …etc. And with discard, ram usage will be limited to used space (like tmpfs). Also ext4 is used without a journal to avoid what would be useless overhead in this use-case.