I had to update the app, but is this the update that was announced in the blog post? Or was this an update that had to do with the scheduled maintenance? Because i don’t notice any difference in the step counter. I do have an older phone, but from my understanding it should have been much better now. Unfortunately, it still counts at most half the steps i take, usually even way less. I have a pedometer that does count them accurately.
I found the step counting to improve with recent updates, notably four months ago or so it’s stabilized for me as one for one.
so as the other user suggested, it may be your device inaccurately counting steps.
can you check if your fitness tracker is not optimized by your battery or something like that that’s messing up the count?
I had checked all these settings when i got the app. The thing is that i also downloaded an open source pedometer and that app seems way more accurate, hence my confusion
got it.
I’m not sure then, the walkscape step ok Google counter has been really accurate for me for quite a while now, so I’m not sure what else it could be.
how are you testing it, after a long walk or just 20 steps, actively running or in the background?
Long walks. It doesn’t work at all in the background, even the screen lock seems to block the count. My pedometer app though, does fine counting steps in the background.
that sounds frustrating. i had a background problem like in the first update, but nothing since.
that’s gotta be something outside of walkscape, background running activity is pretty dialed in at this point, at least on my phone, pixel 6
i use it every day and its nearly one to one in the background.
i just checked my walkscape counter against a friend’s iphone, we’ve been walking around a flea market today.
5014 for me through walkscape and google fit, 4945 for her on her iphone.
My understanding is that the device does the step counting. If your device is only measuring 1/2 the steps you take, then any app that relies on that count will be inaccurate.
The improvements to Walkscape seem to be in loading the step count from your device to Walkscape. There were times before when I would open the app and the steps that I had taken wouldn’t pull in. From the dev blog, this may have been due to something interrupting the process. Previously, those steps would have been lost. Now, they’ll still load the next time the app is opened.
It does sound like they’re working on wearable support though, so maybe that will help with your situation.
Yes, i noticed that, since this update, it quickly shows the steps being uploaded to the server.
hey, just so you know, I just found my lockscape step counter freezing, and it looks like it was because I was tapping on the bottom buttons. the green character on the purple activity button rather than swiping over like I usually do.
I don’t have definitive proof, but twice this morning after I clicked on the green character tab, it stopped counting steps, even when I went back to the purple activity tab it was just frozen.
a complete step freeze has not happened to me in months, so maybe you’re right. and something happened with this last update.
I’m posting a bug report on the portal as well.