Warning, this story is really horrific and will be heartbreaking for any fans of his, but Neil Gaiman is a sadistic [not in the BDSM sense] sexual predator with a predilection for very young women.
Paywall bypass: https://archive.is/dfXCj
Warning, this story is really horrific and will be heartbreaking for any fans of his, but Neil Gaiman is a sadistic [not in the BDSM sense] sexual predator with a predilection for very young women.
Paywall bypass: https://archive.is/dfXCj
And those people could be lying to you. Every single one of them. How do you know they aren’t? Why do you trust them?
Surely you are familiar with the difference between real life and social media.
Social media is part of real life. Humans are not more honest just because you can look them in the eye.
Actually they are more honest. It’s harder to lie. And easier to detect lies. And the repercussions for lying are greater. This makes for less lying.
And that’s without bringing actual firsthand experience into the argument.
No, social media is good for many things, but it is ultimately just a child’s cartoon. A ghostworld.
That is an hilariously naïve thing to say.
Also, I have met many real friends over the internet who I have only interacted with over the internet. I have a friend in Turkey I have never met in person but we feel like family to each other.
Just because you can’t make personal connections here doesn’t mean no one can.
There is infinitely more to human interaction than a stream of symbols and images. Trust me on this.
No, I won’t “trust you” on that because you are wrong.
People for centuries have developed extremely deep and personal friendships through the mail.
Furthermore, we now have decades of people in long-term stable relationships where they fell in love over the internet.
Even before the internet, I met a girlfriend from another school via BBSes in high school. We didn’t meet in person for months and it was no different when we met in person in terms of how we felt about each other.
Again, just because you can’t make personal connections on the internet doesn’t mean no one can.
I’m sure it was deeply fulfilling. Or some relative equivalent thereof.
How could you possibly know one way or the other? Are you psychic? Are your needs everyone’s needs?