I am new to emacs (I made a commitment to getting used to linux) & currently intimidated Can you help me out here?

Has anyone here configured Emacs for:

  • Shell-scripting
  • Markdown
  • Rust

Don’t know where to start (I do know the bare-min basics on using Emacs as a text-editor)

  • TheAgeOfSuperboredom@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    Cool! Give it a go! Do you know about the Emacs Wiki? It was a pretty good resource many years ago when I had my own config. Not sure how it is these days though, but you might find some useful stuff there.

    As for Spacemacs, I never got into it. At the time I found it more complicated than my own setup and a bit more confusing. I know a lot of people liked it though, and it was the first starter kit I’m aware of that really took off, so it might be worth a look!