Of those who wish they could buy more paid time off, the average amount respondents were willing to spend on one day was $187.
What? Are they floating the idea that we pay companies to not work for them? Did I misunderstand that?
You don’t tip your shareholders?
You dont tip your landlord? Or at least let him raw dog your wife/ girlfriend?
That’s a thing and someone complained that just means they are over paying staff since they are willing to take unpaid time off.
I always thought vacation time was for when your kids are sick.
I didn’t take any vacations last year and when I left my job I got three weeks of vacation time paid to me
My wife works in the dental industry and typically has two weeks off around Christmas time. Despite having three weeks of PTO built up, I didn’t take the time off because we have some trips planned for the upcoming year.
It was very difficult working from home while she was here. It’s generally difficult to concentrate on work during the holidays anyway with all the chaos of random days off, annoying social obligations, gift giving and all that. To add to it, I really don’t appreciate having no daylight hours to do anything other than work.
I almost find it more stressful to have PTO at my current cushy job than it was having only unpaid time off at my prior jobs. The stress of managing it and trying not to waste it on pointless errands is tremendous.