So, I’ve got a particular want here and I’m not sure which weapon might satisfy what I’m after.

I want something with no or minimal scope that would be a good candidate to have both Primary Acuity and Semi-Rifle Cannonade. Only weapons that come to my mind are either sniper-rifles, which have scopes, or the Latron. I wouldn’t mind reacquiring the Latron for this kind of build but if there’s something else, especially something I’ve never had before, that’d be better.

So, what weapons fit these criteria?

    21 days ago

    I think your best bet for this would be the Kuva Chakkhurr. No scope, projectile but a quick one, and already gets a bonus to the explosion for headshots. You will want to do something about the reload for it though, its a great elephant gun but it comes with a reload that makes it heinous. I find primary merciless is enough for me, but YMMV.