When my daughter was being delivered a surgeon asked me if I wanted to take pictures. I said no I dont think I could loon without passing out so they took my phone and took pictures of my wifes c section for me. I dont think I’ve ever looked at them
I dont think I’ve ever looked at them
Mannnnn, I would be the same way. That whole seeing people cut open is hard enough. I can’t imagine seeing someone I care about anesthetized, cut open, and then their insides. I rather continue my delusion that their insides look like a mix of their outsides and their personality.
panel 3: is this guy freaking out about some baby in the bathtub pics?
panel 4: here’s Johnny!
When my daughter was being delivered a surgeon asked me if I wanted to take pictures. I said no I dont think I could look without passing out so they took my phone and took pictures of my wifes c section for me. I dont think I’ve ever looked at them
Double post